Wednesday, March 12, 2014

United Methodists and same-sex weddings in New York

Timothy Kincaid of Box Turtle Bulletin notes one big difference between the United Methodist trial that defrocked Frank Schaeffer and the similar case of Thomas Ogletree, in which a trial won't be held. That difference: Schaeffer was from a small congregation. Ogletree had been the Dean of the Yale Divinity School.

Since the bishop, Martin McLee, has said he will no longer hold trials of pastors that violate the ban on same-sex ceremonies (which are legal in his district of parts of NY and Conn.) that has essentially permitted all United Methodist pastors in this district to officiate at same-sex weddings.

The pastor who filed the complaint against Ogletree, which will now result in no punishment, has issued a statement to say how upset he is with the bishop. It is the conservatives who are now talking of schism.

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