Tuesday, October 11, 2011

General Conference Training and MFSA Retreat Set for Saturday, November 5

A great event is happening in our community on Saturday, November 5. The event will be held at Ypsilanti UMC, 209 Washtenaw Ave., Ypsilanti, MI 48197.

RMN (Reconciling Ministries Network) and MFSA (Methodist Federation for Social Action) will be gathering together for an all-day retreat and training. Joey Lopez, a jurisdictional organizer from the RM Network will be here to lead us in a day of training especially designed for local congregations. It includes activities that local congregations can be having during the time that our conference delegation is in Tampa, FL at the 2012 General Conference. These activities are intended to be an outpouring of support for the delegation. This is an event that should be attended by any clergy and lay people who have an interest in seeing our denomination move toward full inclusion - including membership, leadership, ordination and marriage for our LGBT brothers and sisters.

At this quadrennium, we have a better chance than we have ever had to have the clause, "the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching" removed from our discipline. This will be a giant step in leading us to full inclusion because the other parts will follow in a natural succession. Before Annual Conference this year, we went to great efforts to see that our Peace with Justice slate was a comprehensive list of those who would vote at General Conference for full inclusion. Our efforts paid off in that we elected 6 very progressive individuals out of 8 possible candidates to be our delegates in April 2012.

At the national level we are more organized than we have ever been in any previous quadrennia hence, why it is crucial that it happen this time.

I firmly believe that this one issue is at the forefront of what is stifling growth in the UMC. It's a sad commentary on our denomination when a recent survey revealed that 90% of the 18-35 age group who no longer attend church believe that hatred is being preached from our pulpits. The UMC stands alone with our other larger mainstream Protestant denominations on this issue. UCC, Presbyterian USA, ELCA (Lutheran) and Episcopal all have now voted for full inclusion. Presbyterian Church USA just ordained its first openly gay pastor just last week.

It's also a sad commentary on us when one of our own - a powerhouse pastor and leader - can no longer stay in our denomination over this issue and now the UCC is blessed to have her. Rev. Louise Ott left our denomination in 2010 and was ordained in the United Church of Christ. She is now serving as the lead pastor at Birmingham Congregational Church UCC. I firmly believe that she is leading a path out of our church for a lot of fine pastors. We don't have enough clergy to fill our pulpits as it is - we do NOT need to lose anymore because of the senseless clauses in our Book of Discipline.

Please join us for this informative day. It will be a day well spent in your church life.

In addition, MFSA will have its retreat that day and after the closing of the RMN Jurisdictional Training, they will convene to address those issues that were not adressed earlier in the day.

This event is free to attendees. Free will love offerings will be taken during the day to help defray the expenses of the use of the building at Ypsilanti First UMC and lunch to be served that day.

Further information about this day can be obtained from George Jonte - Coordinator of LGBT Ministries @ Detroit Central UMC (313-965-5422, Ext. 121; Rev. Rich Peacock (248) 321-7480
or Rev. Bea Fraser-Soots (248) 320-5108

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