Dedicated Reconciling United Methodists are presenting its annual Fall Potluck and Program on Sunday, November 12. The dinner is at 6:00. Please bring a dish to pass.
The program and Worship is at 7:00. The speaker will be Rev. George Covintree with a message about "Peace and Justice People."
The program will be at Nardin Park United Methodist Church, which is at 29887 W. 11 Mile Road in Farmington Hills. That is west of Middlebelt. Park near the southwest corner.
Questions? You may contact:
George Jonte-Crane at geopau226 at yahoo dot com
Karen Roth at karensmiles18 at hotmail dot com
D.R.U.M exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice. We seek to educate, advocate, organize, and support.
The program is co-sponsored by the Church and Society Committee of Nardin Park UMC.
Please join us!